Product: | ISaGRAF 4.1x |
Date: | 20-February-2001 |
File: | Required size for ISaGRAF Mono-tasking Target.htm |
Subject: | Required size for monotasking version of the ISaGRAF Target |
Keywords: | Target Size |
Purpose of this document is to help you evaluating required size to run a mono-taking version of ISaGRAF target on your harware. (If you wish running several ISaGRAF Virtual Machines on your target, do not use this document)
Required size in permanent memory area (could be ROM or disk for example):
- Kernel (see sizes at the end of this document) + error message files.
The error message files are used by kernel to printf on standard output terminal (if any) the detailed text of occurring errors. There are 4 error messagedefinition files (1 file for standard errors, 1 for standard warnings, 1 for custom errors, 1 for custom warnings). If there is not standard output terminal on target, then there is no need to embedd those files on target.
Required size in saved memory area (could be flash or disk for example):
- Downloaded IEC application code + resource configuration (see at the end of this document)
- on-line change modification space (default size for this space is set by integrator when defining new target, but this default value can be changed by end user, from workbench, in resource properties - advanced settings)
- Downloaded symbols of the application (downloading application symbols is not required in mono-tasking version of the kernel- However you may ask support if you need to evaluate size of that file for a given application)
- Downloaded zipped IEC sources of the application. (downloading .zip sources is not required. It's a option in resource properties. It can be used for loading later source code from target to workbench. Ask support if you need to evaluate size of that file for a given application)
- Value of IEC application variables in case you have variables with "retain" attributes
Required size in RAM :
Kernel executable is generally loaded in RAM, because when kernel is executed from ROM it’s slower than when it’s executed from RAM
So in a comfortable configuration, there should be in RAM enough space to store
- Kernel (see sizes at the end of this document)
- Kernel C variables (10 kb on VxWorks)
Memory spaces allocated by kernel in RAM :
- Downloaded IEC application code + resource configuration (see at the end of this document)
- values of variables (Real time database - see at the end of this document)
- on-line change modification space
Here is below the (approximative) size of ISaGRAF mono-tasking kernel in case the Operating System is NT or VxWorks.
(unit for all values: Kb)
ISa.exe |
error msg files |
total |
NT Target L |
156 |
76 |
40+7+2+3 |
232+52=284 |
ISa.o |
error msg files |
total |
VxWorks Target |
148 |
40+7+2+3 |
148+51=199 |
Note that ISaGRAF NT kernel case, executable
global size is the size of ISa.exe plus the size of ISaGRAF System
Layer Dynamic linked Library (ISaSYS.DLL).
If you want to know for a given application what is:
Size of downloaded IEC application code + resource configuration
Size of Real time database
Then you may ask support to e-mail you a small executable that does this calculation.
For example, for the standard project 4 (that has just one resource with one Flow Chart Program), the required amount of memory is :
688 + 1896 = 2584 bytes for application code + resource configuration
7408 bytes for real-time database.
Those amounts do NOT include space reserved for on-line modification, they do NOT include space for .zip source NOR for application symbols.
Copyright © 1999-2009 ICS Triplex ISaGRAF Inc. All rights reserved.